SKYPE: Social Media? Social Network? Social Tool?
I have used Skype for many purposes from having a simple conversation with a friend or family member overseas, to have a meeting with professors, to conference with co-workers and most recently to take part in a new language partnership with a teacher education program in Switzerland. All of this made me think of other possible uses for Skype. It also made me start question how can Skype be categorized. Is it a Social Media tool, a social networking tool or a social tool? We presented this idea in class and I was hoping that it would create some debate and it did! Maybe not in as much detail as we had hoped because of time but that's why we have our blog right? To continue the conversation and engage in dialogue about it and have it documented. This is a point that Francois brought up that even I didn't think about. The fact that Skype is a great synchronous tool but there isn't anything there to continue or document that conversation giving it the same features as Facebook, twitter, adobe or a blog for example where the conversation is continuous and always available. Furthermore, Skype is a software we download rather than an online technology available. It does have similar features to Social Media Tools because it's
cost efficient, offers
numerous ways to communicate, offers
instructional benefits, allows
us to create networks, allows
us to create group, allows
us to use chat functions and it does CREATE
CONVERSATIONS!!!!. Skype also has a number of benefits for all types of learning in the snese that it allows for the world to be brought to students ra
List of Pros and Cons (on going list that needs your input!)
- Opportunities for exchange and collaboration worldwide (language preservation?)
- Synchronous and real time communication, conversations and sharing of all sorts
- Expand the walls of the classroom
- Learning partners, global partners
- Fundamentally change the teaching and learning environment
- Employ technology tools to access, evaluate, synthesize and communicate information
- Engaging in active process causes information from the internet to be translated into knowledge in the minds of learners
- Leverage the potential of disruptive technologies and develop essential literacy skills needed for vocational and life time success
- This means increasing student engagement and achievement
- Engage in worthwhile and creative tasks
- Great way to learn a foreign language
- Excited to learn, motivated, technology
- Cross cultural exchanges
- New Teaching techniques, building confidence and skills
- Might not be a natural fit for all educators
- Fundamentally change the teaching and learning environment
Skype advertising to Teachers on YouTube:
For further reading: 7 things you should know about Skype:
Submitted by: Safia
I believe Skype is more like a telephone and social media is more like a meet-and greet. Social media allows you to expand your social circle, while a communication device (like skype) allows you to keep in contact with those you already know.