Our Mission Statement...

Our Mission Statement...

We will be discussing the various ways technology in the form of social media and other online capacities can be used in the elementary and secondary classroom. Our aim is to explore how using these methods in the classroom can allow for a new emerging relationship between teachers and students. A relationship based on the collaborative gathering of information and community building. We will be looking at our own areas of interest and how new technologies can be incorporated into our own teaching methodologies and how learning theories apply to online learning. We hope that you find the information contained within this blog useful and helpful in creating strategic approaches to effective implementation of online learning. Our goal is to also share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we might face in using current technologies in learning and while expliring future opportunities and areas of growth.

Join us on our journey aboard the S.S. BRC!!

Created by: Bavina, Candida, Roshni, Safia and Sasha - May 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Anderson's Model for Online Learning

1.     Can you identify at least one such element that you feel is NOT covered by Anderson's model?   

Anderson's model for online learning states that online learning must be learner-, knowledge-, assessment- and community- centered in order to maximize the potential for online learning. What he does not address is that online learning though it should be centered around  these four elements, yet still the teacher provides content for the students through structured learning resources. Which I think would be useful for younger online communities but as I have seen in this M.Ed program structured teacher content doesn't really work that well for online learning. Also independent study should be at the forefront of online education not simply part of.

 In my model, In dependent student would be the focus. As I have felt in this program, there is too much collaborative learning. I have been unable to focus on my own learning because there is so much collaborative learning. Students must still have the opportunity to work on their own and grow in their own learning. Also collaborative learning is difficult with adults because of time restraints for certain people who work full-time. The knowledge and content should still be at the center but more focus should be put on individual needs rather than a group focus.

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