Our Mission Statement...

Our Mission Statement...

We will be discussing the various ways technology in the form of social media and other online capacities can be used in the elementary and secondary classroom. Our aim is to explore how using these methods in the classroom can allow for a new emerging relationship between teachers and students. A relationship based on the collaborative gathering of information and community building. We will be looking at our own areas of interest and how new technologies can be incorporated into our own teaching methodologies and how learning theories apply to online learning. We hope that you find the information contained within this blog useful and helpful in creating strategic approaches to effective implementation of online learning. Our goal is to also share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we might face in using current technologies in learning and while expliring future opportunities and areas of growth.

Join us on our journey aboard the S.S. BRC!!

Created by: Bavina, Candida, Roshni, Safia and Sasha - May 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

EDUTOPIA: Social Media Guidelines for your school

I was reading a few articles on how best to incorporate learning through Social Media and discovered a guide that the EDUTOPIA group released  called "How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School." It turns out it was actually produced in collaboration with Facebook. 

The great thing about the guide, in my opinion, is that it provides points on which to focus but also includes guiding questions on how to create a case for those points.   Ironically, the points include having to work  in teams of users and non-users of social media in the classroom so it's not a one-sided debate and all of the pros and cons are addressed and getting feedback from everyone involved. 

The main points of the guide are available in PDF here:

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