Our Mission Statement...

Our Mission Statement...

We will be discussing the various ways technology in the form of social media and other online capacities can be used in the elementary and secondary classroom. Our aim is to explore how using these methods in the classroom can allow for a new emerging relationship between teachers and students. A relationship based on the collaborative gathering of information and community building. We will be looking at our own areas of interest and how new technologies can be incorporated into our own teaching methodologies and how learning theories apply to online learning. We hope that you find the information contained within this blog useful and helpful in creating strategic approaches to effective implementation of online learning. Our goal is to also share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we might face in using current technologies in learning and while expliring future opportunities and areas of growth.

Join us on our journey aboard the S.S. BRC!!

Created by: Bavina, Candida, Roshni, Safia and Sasha - May 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012


Hi Everyone,

One of the most important announcements from my school board happened a few months ago, and I think that it will profoundly change the way students learn in the classroom.  It is regarding the BYOD initiative, or "Bring Your Own Device" to school.  This is from a news release issued by the Peel District School Board:
We need to expand access to current technology and encourage students to BYOD—bring your own device—to engage them in learning. The plan will also ensure equity of access to technology for all students through classroom computers and tablets in schools
The school board is planning to invest $7 million dollars in this initiative, in the hopes that students will become more technologically engaged in the classroom.  Part of this project includes making sure that every school has wireless technology in Peel's schools, and these fund would normally have been used to build "old fashioned" computer labs.

I think that this investment is going to be very beneficial.  Students will be able to connect and learn in ways we never would have imagined, and this will allow them to become true learners of the 21st century.  Most students already have access to this technology (which includes tablets and smart phones), and some even try to sneak them into class and use them.  This initiative makes sense then, that we not only allow these devices to be used, but that their use is also encouraged and welcomed in the classroom.

Since I teach elementary school, I can see of a few issues that may arise from the use of technology in the classroom.  First of all, students will be coming to school with rather expensive equipment (such as an iPad), and since children will be children, these devices might be dropped or damaged.  Also, having students bring these devices also increases the likelihood that they may be stolen, and of course this is an issue that may be more pronounced in a secondary school environment.  The difference with elementary schools is that parents will want accountability from the schools that the devices will be safe.  Unfortunately, this may put teachers in a position where they many have to keep track of the devices, which ultimately makes them responsible if something happens to them.

While I think that the BYOD initiative is a great idea, I also believe that there will be a transition time where all of the "bugs" and rules have to be worked out.  Once everyone becomes clear on their responsibilities and how the devices can be used, I think that learning in the classroom will be forever changed (in a positive way of course!)

For more information, please feel free to visit the following links:

The official news release from the Peel District school Board: http://www.peelschools.org/media/news2002/120328.htm

An article from the Toronto Star's "Parent Central" section discussing the initiative:

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you...step n the right direction perhaps, but not all sunshine and rainbows. People seem to forget that younger students need a lot more guidance when it comes to staying focused and knowing what is appropriate in the classroom. Feels like an instance of the organization throwing technolog in the mix but not providing guidance or tools to make use of it.
