Our Mission Statement...

Our Mission Statement...

We will be discussing the various ways technology in the form of social media and other online capacities can be used in the elementary and secondary classroom. Our aim is to explore how using these methods in the classroom can allow for a new emerging relationship between teachers and students. A relationship based on the collaborative gathering of information and community building. We will be looking at our own areas of interest and how new technologies can be incorporated into our own teaching methodologies and how learning theories apply to online learning. We hope that you find the information contained within this blog useful and helpful in creating strategic approaches to effective implementation of online learning. Our goal is to also share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we might face in using current technologies in learning and while expliring future opportunities and areas of growth.

Join us on our journey aboard the S.S. BRC!!

Created by: Bavina, Candida, Roshni, Safia and Sasha - May 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hi everyone,

Although I am a fan of using social media within the classroom, part of me thinks that it may increase the chances of cyberbullying.  Granted, as teachers, we can't always know what our students are doing online, but it worries me that if teachers use social media in the class, will it increase cyberbullying?  Would it give students more of a reason to make fun of one another, etc?
On the other hand, maybe using social media within the classroom will prevent students from cyberbullying as now they are "being watched" by their teachers.  It may prevent them from bullying their peers knowing that they will be accountable for their actions.
It just disgusts me  how many students, children, youth, etc. who are stalked, raped, killed, commit suicide, and other unfortunate events because of cyberbullying.  It makes me wonder that if social media was not as significant as it is now, would bullying decrease?  Obviously there wouldn't be much cyberbullying without social media, but maybe if it is intigrated more within the classroom, students would "be afraid" of the consequences.

Here's a video I thought was interesting:


1 comment:

  1. Great post Bavina! I know that bullying (in all forms) is becoming a HUGE issue for all school boards. I think that all instances of Cyber Bullying are not reported, and hopefully with more education we can address this issue.
