Our Mission Statement...

Our Mission Statement...

We will be discussing the various ways technology in the form of social media and other online capacities can be used in the elementary and secondary classroom. Our aim is to explore how using these methods in the classroom can allow for a new emerging relationship between teachers and students. A relationship based on the collaborative gathering of information and community building. We will be looking at our own areas of interest and how new technologies can be incorporated into our own teaching methodologies and how learning theories apply to online learning. We hope that you find the information contained within this blog useful and helpful in creating strategic approaches to effective implementation of online learning. Our goal is to also share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we might face in using current technologies in learning and while expliring future opportunities and areas of growth.

Join us on our journey aboard the S.S. BRC!!

Created by: Bavina, Candida, Roshni, Safia and Sasha - May 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Why aren't we trusted????

Hi everyone!

So here's an issue that I've been struggling with for a while.  I work in an office setting, not in a school, and all social media tools are banned.  We can't access Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. from work...not sure why....maybe it's because "they" don't trust "us" and believe that we will "waste our time" on these social medias rather than "doing our job."  I simply find that ridiculous, because it just forces us to access these social medias through our personal devices (ie. smart phones, ipads, etc.). 
Now, to add to the frustration, recently, I have started working on a highly contentious project that is getting a lot of media AND social media coverage THAT WE CAN'T ACCESS!!!!  It amazes me that I am expected to "manage issues" but I can't have access to half of the issues.  As a result, the director was advised to complete a "Social Media Access Form" that needed to be "signed off" by very senior management.  Then, and only then, will the director, not anyone else in the project group, only the director, will have access to these social media tools. 
I keep asking, "how do you expect me to 'do my job' if I have zero access to Facebook, Twitter, etc.?" 
It amazes me how teachers are trying so hard now to implement and encourage social media within their classrooms, yet corporate offices don't even trust their employees to have access to these medias.  I really just hope that when our students and children are entering the corporate world, these barriers are broken down and they can actually be trusted within their workplace. 

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